The Nuclear Sublime
Accompanied by the launch of Michael Collins’ new book, The Nuclear Sublime, published by at the end of 2023, these photographs are a series of interiors made inside a range of Britain’s decommissioned and active nuclear power plants, as well as at fusion research sites in Oxfordshire and southern France. The photographic access was unparalleled, and collectively they cover almost the entire archaeology of the civil nuclear energy industry.
Conceptually, the photography addresses the contemporary sublime, a subject discussed by Michael Collins in his essay in The Nuclear Sublime.
The Nuclear Sublime is also noteworthy for the extraordinary degree of depth of field (extent of focus) in the photographs, which Michael Collins terms “sculptural realism”. This is also explored in The Nuclear Sublime essay, and is exemplified in his picture A Critique of Pure Photography, 2023, which is featured in another gallery on this website.